Largest Federal Union Sues Trump….

Related to the E.O. of May 25, 2018, attached are additional analyses from NFFE-1450 President for your benefits  Analysis of EO May 25 2018

Please note that the analyses reflect the opinions of Dennis T. Murakami, a senior attorney in HUD’s Office of General Counsel, and President of NFFE-1450.

It is evident, upon reading and following news and reports, that these happenings may bring danger to the federal work place.

Please share the information freely to educate all employees, including managers/supervisors, of how the Trump administration is planning to directly impose new working conditions on HUD staff.

Also, note that on June 2, 2018, AFGE, the largest Federal Union has filed a lawsuit against Trump for violating the First Amendment and for stepping over his constitutional authority. Go to this link for more report on the lawsuit. Largest fed employees union sues Tr..